Reiki Practitioner

Vicki Brown

Combining Certified Training, a Bachelor in Sociology and over 20 years of experience in the Natural Mind-Body-Spirit Wellness Industry, Vicki Brown incorporates a variety of techniques and natural healing modalities to create a personalized experience With You, in each session.

This Holistic Massage Session may include techniques from Relaxation Massage, Acupressure, Ancient Thai Massage, Sports Massage, Trigger Point work, Polarity, Reflexology, Stomach Massage, Aromatherapy, Guided Meditatitive Journeys, Intuitive Counseling, and Reiki. 

Choose your own combination or relax, unwind and be open to the intuitive guidance channeled to and through Vicki for each individual session.

Price: $135/ 75 minute session

Includes: 15 minutes for consultation at start and debriefing at end of session.

I look forward to connecting with you soon!

**Vicki is also a Reiki Teacher and Mentor to Natural Healers, sharing her experience, knowledge, guidance and support from being a contract worker, solopreneur, and employee over 20+ years in the field, by request. Find her on Facebook @Only Natural Healing"


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If none of the times available work for you, email: to arrange a mutual time that will work.

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